
Friday Jan 31, 2025
Episode 17: Mike Greer on Elevation Outdoors
Friday Jan 31, 2025
Friday Jan 31, 2025
No matter your background, economic status or how you identify, Elevation Outdoors is designed to be inclusive to all youth who want to explore the great outdoors, but don't know where to start or how to get there.
Listen in and learn on today's episode about all the different ways you can get involved either as a participant, volunteer, donor or collaborator to support the amazing, not-for-profit work that Elevation Outdoors is doing to bring accessibility and experience to youth with a passion for outdoor sports.
Follow along on Elevation Outdoors journey through their:
- Instagram: @elevationoutdoors, or
- Website: www.elevationoutdoors.ca
And do hit the subscribe button and follow along with this project to be notified and stay on top of the Awesome folks we connect with!
Connect. Local. Community.
Justina LeeStolz
#100AwesomePeople #nowyouknow #kindness #giving #community #elevationoutdoors #sports #nature

Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Episode 16: Shannon Christensen on Mamas for Mamas
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
If you have ever wondered how Mom-superpowers work, this episode will give you insights in to the mindset of a #BossMom who is passionate about Kindness-as-Currency! Shannon managed to manifest and action her way to running an incredibly successful not-for-profit charity that supports single parents (not just mamas) across Canada and likely in a city near you!
To hear and learn more about Shannon and the Mamas for Mamas mission, have a listen to this episode and enjoy!
Connect. Local. Community.
Justina LeeStolz
#100AwesomePeople #nowyouknow #kindness #giving #mamasformamas #mamasforpapas #community #careculture #shareculture
Thanks as always to Lou Ducharme for his editing prowess.

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Episode 15: Nick Pelletier
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
If you have ever wondered how ultra-athletes manage to find the motivation and tenacity to excel in the ways that they do, this episode will give you insights in to the mindset that takes you to the next level! There are so many lessons and nuggets in here that can translate to your own athletic or business adventures to help accelerate your goals and achievements in 2022!
To hear and learn more about Nick Pelletier and the various endurance adventures he embarks on to raise funds for different projects and organizations in the community, have a listen to this episode and enjoy!
Connect. Local. Community.
Justina LeeStolz
#100AwesomePeople #nowyouknow #endurance #ultraathlete #doitforacause #communitycause
Thanks as always to Lou Ducharme for his editing prowess.

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Episode 14: Women Initiative
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Women in business are a key part of a successful and thriving community and economy. It is through access to capital, education and mentorship that the bold and business-minded women of the world can grow and thrive to continue to evolve and shape our future. Thanks to forward thinking investment institutions, like Scotiabank, and the passionate humans who work there, like Christy St. Jean, the necessary building blocks to create a thriving business are available to those who seek them out!
To hear and learn more about Christy St. Jean and what the Scotiabank’s Women Initiative is all about and the resources available to YOU, have a listen to this episode and enjoy!
Connect. Local. Community.
Justina LeeStolz
#100AwesomePeople #nowyouknow #womeninbusiness #womeninitiative #scotiabank
Thanks as always to Lou Ducharme for his editing prowess.

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Episode 13: You Are Collective
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Mental well-being is gaining more and more traction these days as the once-taboo subject seeps it's way into main stream and popular media. Thanks to the many brave souls who have openly shared their struggles, challenges and triumphs as they navigate the waters of what it means to be mentally well in a tumultuous world these days. Two such people are Rebecca and Michael from You Are Collective, who has started this organization in an effort to help people speak more freely and respectfully about what means to live with or to overcome a mental health challenge.
To hear and learn more about what the You Are Collective is all about and the big harry audacious goals they are striving towards, have a listen to this episode and enjoy!
Today's episode was sponsored in part by Kitchen Design Co. Check them out for all your kitchen and bath renovation ideas at kitchendesignco.ca.
Connect. Local. Community.
Justina LeeStolz
#100AwesomePeople #nowyouknow #photography #adventure #justdoit
Thanks as always to Lou Ducharme for his editing prowess.

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Episode 12: Mandy Lancaster
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Surround yourself with bold, innovative and inspiring people and there's just no way that it can't rub off on you. Mandy Lancaster (formerly Glinsbockel) is one such woman who will WOW you with the journeys and lessons she has embarked on and her utter sense of humility about it all. From global travel and documentation of the consequences of devastating natural disasters to using imagery to help strengthen the recovery and support victims of sexual and physical violence, Mandy is finding ways to connect you, visually, with the issues and realities of this world.
To hear and learn more about Mandy and the impact she has had and is having still, listen to this episode and enjoy!
Connect. Local. Community.
Justina LeeStolz
#100AwesomePeople #nowyouknow #photography #adventure #justdoit
Thanks as always to Lou Ducharme for his editing prowess.

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Episode 11: Ryan Lancaster
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
There are dreams and goals that we plan to do one-day-some-day --- and then there are the dreams that we pursue to the Nth degree with passionate persistence. Ryan Lancaster is a man who took the one-day-some-day dreams and turned them into a passionate reality, first through his Scale My Life year, then his Button-to-Bus Challenge, the Beast-to-Bus challenge and eventually, the Million-Dollar-Bus Project.
To hear and learn more about Ryan and the impact he is making not only in his own community, but in communities across Canada, listen in to this episode and subscribe for future inspirational episodes.
Connect. Local. Community
Justina LeeStolz
#100AwesomePeople #nowyouknow #milliondollarbus #scalemylife #justdoit

Friday May 07, 2021
Episode 10: Reid Schretlen
Friday May 07, 2021
Friday May 07, 2021
In an ever increasingly fast-paced world, one thing that often gets over looked or left behind is the state of mental health, or lack thereof, that exists in our lives. Reid Schretlen shares about his struggles and journey with mental health and the steps he has taken and is taking to not only improve his own state of being on an ongoing basis, but to also lend a helping hand to others who need the support.
To hear and learn more about Reid and the impact he is making and his company Umm Neat, listen to this episode or watch it on Youtube at #100AwesomePeople Episode 10: Reid Schretlen.
Justina LeeStolz
#100AwesomePeople #nowyouknow #ummneat #mentalhealth

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Episode 9: Brea Lake
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Embracing constant change, innovation and creativity is key in being the CEO of a Technology Hub like Accelerate Okanagan and Brea Lake epitomizes the positive enthusiasm that makes her the perfect candidate for the role. Accelerate Okanagan is dedicated to furthering the Okanagan tech and entrepreneurship community that is burgeoning in the valley through providing training, support and mentorship at the various stages of launching and excelling a business.
To hear and learn more about Brea Lake and the impact she is having in the community in her role as CEO, listen to this episode and subscribe to follow along and discover the #100AwesomePeople.

Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Episode 8: Tory Braun
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Being a hub for community engagement and development is no small feat and Tory Braun manages to reign in the crowds through her role with The Okanagan Young Professionals network... among her many other socially engaged projects and side hustles!
To hear and learn more about Tory Braun and the impact she is having on creating a community of young professionals and opportunities in the Okanagan, listen now on Spotify or Podbean OR watch this episode on Youtube (Episode 8: Tory Braun and The OYP).