Thursday May 28, 2020
Episode 6: Aman Dosanj
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
There are people who conform to the norm and then there's Aman. This woman is a power house of non-conformity, from being the first British Indian to play on a professional football team (soccer for our North American friends) for England to being an unconventional cook, to targeting her tourism to locals rather than tourists; she breaks the norms.
More importantly, however, she strives to create happiness for herself and her community through bringing people together to enjoy a meal, an unconventional meal... usually with a table full of strangers who become friends somewhere on a farm or a location without easy access to power or water!
To hear and learn more about Aman Dosanj and the impact she is having on the culinary world all over, listen to Episode 6: Aman Dosanj, and hear from the woman herself!
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Episode 5: Mike Shaw
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
If ever you forget to be grateful for the ability to brush your teeth, turn your head or land on two feet in the morning when you roll out of bed, Mike Shaw is the man who will remind you to never take for granted those simple abilities in life.
Mike’s story is bone-chilling and inspiring all in one go and he has become known as a Gratitude specialist through the public speaking he does to share his story and how important it is to be grateful for even the smallest things every day. He is also striving to change the way that young people engage with sports so that, hopefully, no one ever has to go through the spinal-cord injury and recovery that Mike had to.
To hear and learn more about Mike Shaw and the impact he is having on youth sports and audiences all over, listen to Episode 5: Mike Shaw, and here from the man himself!
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Episode 4: The Goddess Studio
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
There are many facets of society that tell a woman what she should look like today and what “beautiful” means, but Kate Ogorova and her business partner Tanin Amouei have another take on things.
The Goddess Studio is designed to help empower women to find beauty within themselves and to use what products they have already to simply enhance the natural appearance they possess. No covering up “imperfections” or hiding behind layers and layers of caked on products, simply allowing your inner goddess to shine brightly on the outside as well.
To hear and learn more about The Goddess Studio and the impact they are making among women, listen to Episode 4: The Goddess Studio and hear from Kate Ogorova herself!
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Episode 3: The UP Project
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
In an ever disposable world, Lisa-Marie Pettovello and the UP project have found creative, classy and chique ways to re-purpose and up-cycle goods that might otherwise end up as trash.
The UP Project is a division of Habitat for Humanity International, which is an international, nonprofit organization, founded in 1976 by Linda and Millard Fuller. The main goal with Habitat is to collect donated items from the community and re-sell them or, in the case of The UP Project, refurbish or re-purpose them and then sell them. The majority of the proceeds that are raised from the re-sale of these donated items is then channelled into the creation of affordable housing for those who otherwise might not be able to achieve home-ownership. There is quite the complicated system and process to qualify for one of the Habitat Homes, which you can learn more about by connecting with your local Habitat for Humanity Restore or checking out the national site: https://habitat.ca/en/.
To hear and learn more about the volunteer powered UP Project that is helping reduce the waste in the world, give new life to old products, AND create beautiful homes, listen to the episode and hear from Lisa-Marie, the driver behind it all!
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Episode 2: Take Two
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
The world is filled with plastics these days and Keneisha Charles, Aaliyah Charles and Theresa Schwab have found a way to recycle and re-purpose some of those products before they hit the landfill or the ocean. Phew!
It all started with a group of young, active citizens at Rutland Senior Secondary in Kelowna, BC (Canada) who had the passion and vision to rethink waste. With the daunting forecast of global climate change and increasing pollution, this group of students decided to take matters into their own hands and start to make an impact and a change.
They looked to the progressive Netherlands to find the platform that they would adapt to create a solution that was feasible for their school and, eventually, their city.
To hear and learn more about the solution that is not only diverting plastics from becoming waste, but also providing a project that inspires hope and direction for youth, listen to the episode and hear from the founders themselves.
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Episode 1: JCI Farm Project
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
David Kemp, the founder of the JCI Farm Project shares how this project is all about giving back in a variety of ways. The project as a whole would not be possible with out the generous donation of land from Helen’s Acres, which is owned and operated by Trinity Baptist Church. Big thanks!
Since being given the use of the land and the opportunity to farm it, the JCI Kelowna chapter is giving all of it’s members and, by extension, their families, the opportunity to come and learn how to garden and farm. Thank goodness there are some very handy folks in the JCI Kelowna chapter who could help plan, design, build, irrigate and maintain the farm in order to produce thousands of pounds of food throughout the season, which in turn was then donated to the Karis Women’s Support Society.
It is all one big circle of giving and if you would like to learn more about David, the vision for the farm and about the farm itself, have a listen to the episode.